Originally at The Ensemble Studio Theatre, Robert Askins “Stu” from The Share has his groundbreaking play HAND TO GOD produced at MCC with Steven Boyer “Nathan” from The Share as a good Christian boy with a possessed puppet.
Check it out now thru March 30! Opening tonight!
“The Share’s” Creator Emily Chadick Weiss and Director Christina Roussos get a shout out for their independent collaboration in online arts Forum, THE RAIL
Check out William Jackson Harper “Lincoln” from The Share, as Stokely Carmichael in ALL THE WAY,
now on Broadway thru June 29. William stars alongside BREAKING BAD’s Bryan Cranston.
Catch Maureen Sebastian “Justine” from The Share in her recurring role as Prescilla Pitman on NBC’s REVOLUTION Wednesdays 8/7 c
Voted the #1 TV contest in North America, WILDsound has chosen “The Share” as its winning TV Pilot Script. Read an interview with the writer, Emily Chadick Weiss HERE
Emily Chadick Weiss, writer and creator of THE SHARE, is featured on Blayze.com as a member of their Funny Lady Corner. Blayze highlights the funniest videos from across the internet as well as putting a spotlight on current comedy tastemakers. Visit Blayze.com to see Emily Chadick Weiss and other people making funny stuff across the interwebs.
Tenement Street Workshop is holding their 2nd annual Snowballs!! Short Film Festival this Thursday, June 6th at 8:00pm. Included in the offerings are webisodes from THE SHARE featuring Steven Boyer, William Jackson Harper, and Megan Tusing. The festival also includes an exciting roster of short films and web content from filmmakers such as Diogo Cronenberger, Jules Bartowski, Patrick Letterii, and Haley Rawson. Stop by to see THE SHARE make the leap from your computer screen to the big screen.
Snowballs Short Film Festival
Thursday, June 6th at 8:00pm
24 Bond St
$10 with free afterparty at 9:30
All proceeds go to the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence
The script for THE SHARE has a new set of fans: the people at the WILDsound Writing Festival. They selected THE SHARE as one of only four finalists for their Original TV Pilot competition. The WILDsound festival sifts through thousands of original film and television scripts each year to provide rigorous feedback and select seasonal winners in each category. Past winners of the Original TV Pilot category include “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”.
You can read WILDsound’s interview with Emily Chadick Weiss, the creator of THE SHARE, HERE.
Nathan, the not-so-recently laid off Lehman Brothers employee, prepares for his next shot at a big job. Or at least some time off…